Pieces of Me

Pieces of Me

The pieces of me are not all pretty or neat;
some are complicated, some soft, some joyous;
others are simple, some rough, others brooding;

There are pieces that were handled with care,
treasured and held dear by someone;
Others roughed up and frayed,
weathering the storm as best they could,
a little worse for the wear;

There are pieces that fit easily,
and find their home and security;
Others remain alone, abandoned,
waiting for a place to rest;

The pieces of me are not all pretty or neat,
take them or leave them, but they are me;
Complicated and unruly, but all part of the whole,
The pieces of me are as yet to be complete.

Posted on 05/31/2014, in Poems, Writing and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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