Monthly Archives: September 2011

Where were you on 09/11/01 . . .

I was heading to the University of Tampa for class and work. Heard about the first plane on sports talk radio that my Dad had on.  No one was fully aware it was an attack at that level yet. Class of course was cancelled, and my mind was reeling as I learned a second plane had hit. In the Honors Program Lounge a group of us watched the TV coverage, I felt like I was watching disaster movie and not real life. Later in the Dean’s Office where I worked I just sat there numb and in horrified disbelief, and again witnessed more TV coverage when they brought in a small TV.  I just sat there shuffling papers, really not knowing what to do with myself and unable to focus on much. When I got home my Dad and I continued watching the coverage, it was just something I couldn’t shake myself from at that point. My Mom got home later that night and we watched President Bush address the nation.  I went to bed feeling the shock, disbelief, fear, anger, etc.  I am sure the whole nation felt that day.  Essentially, I remember feeling numb and disconnected somewhat that whole day, as if I wasn’t watching or a part of this real horrific event, it was too shocking and too unbelievable to think it was actually happening.  And now as I reflect ten years later on 9/11/11, I still recall that numbness, shock, anger, etc. like it was yesterday.  Never forget and God Bless America!!


Life with Colleen Mary

..and the occasional iced caramel latte.


A great site

Everyday Asperger's

Life through the eyes of a female with Aspergers

Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.

The Wyrd

Fantasy Fiction writer and Amateur hobby artist

World of Woodnuts

Pop cartoons and artwork to inspire and entertain

Fisticuffs and Shenanigans

It was all fun and games, until the fisticuffs and shenanigans... -Deutschmarc

Climb to the Stars

life, love, books

Daphne Bach Greer

Finding Faith, Restoring Life, Igniting Hope

Random things from G

Interesting stuff from around my Life.


This is a novice attempt at expressing all the voices in my head

The Chocoholic Confessions

4 out of 5 dentists recommend this site

Damyanti Biswas

For lovers of reading, crime writing, crime fiction

Unveiling the Veil

About Muslim Women. For Muslim Women. By a Muslim Woman.

Deborah Harkness

life, love, books

Cassandra Clare

life, love, books

Making memories


I Remember You Well

Things were happening... and I remember there was music playing.

Raising Hell

9-5+ working single mom. Occasionally accidentally funny. I've raised my fair share of hell over the years. Now I get to parent my own little hell raiser.

Dreams: Guide to the Soul

Steven G. Fox Ph.D.