Monthly Archives: August 2014

Confidence “Bucket List”

I was perusing some sites and came across the idea for something called a Confidence Bucket List.  I am not so much a pessimist, as I like to think a Worst Case Scenario Person, meaning I tend to expect the worst and hope for the best.  Hearing people talk about their bucket lists was always intriguing, but not something I really thought of taking part in myself.  However the idea of coming up with some things I’d like to actually give in and go for, despite my biggest fears, was something I felt could be fun, so here goes . . .

1. Wearing more dresses and shorts . . . I have always hated my legs.  While not “fat,” they were always, I would say, muscular and I felt I couldn’t pull off shorts very well.  As for dresses, I don’t feel dainty enough for shorter skirts or dresses.

2. Writing more poetry . . . I love to write, although I don’t do it as much as I should, I enjoy writing prose and blogging, but poetry has a special place in my heart.  I would love to attempt more poetry writing, no matter how emo it might sound.

3. Photography . . . I like to take pictures, of people and things, however I’ve never had the guts to go for a photography class.  It would be a challenge to have my photos critiqued, but learning the skill would be fun.

4. Wearing higher heels . . .  I guess this fits in with number one, but I do wish I could put on the occasional pair of stilettos and just not care.  I know they are bad for your feet, so it would be something just for fun and adventure during an evening out.  I could not wear them to work; I see women walking in my building in those things and I couldn’t imagine wearing those all day.

5. Travel somewhere alone . . . the last few years I have been traveling a bit more with family and family friends, but I haven’t really had the guts to take a trip, even a few days somewhere, on my own.  That would be a big step for me, something I hope I can do someday.

That is it for now, but a good start 🙂

What is on your Confidence To Do List?  Is there anything you wish you could just get up the nerve to go do?


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