Category Archives: Writing

Pieces of Me

Pieces of Me

The pieces of me are not all pretty or neat;
some are complicated, some soft, some joyous;
others are simple, some rough, others brooding;

There are pieces that were handled with care,
treasured and held dear by someone;
Others roughed up and frayed,
weathering the storm as best they could,
a little worse for the wear;

There are pieces that fit easily,
and find their home and security;
Others remain alone, abandoned,
waiting for a place to rest;

The pieces of me are not all pretty or neat,
take them or leave them, but they are me;
Complicated and unruly, but all part of the whole,
The pieces of me are as yet to be complete.

Untitled . . .

Show me a better way,
and find deeper meaning.
Doubt claims my mind,
and lost in the fear.

Turns come sharp,
storms to endure,
finding the strength,
the need to fight,
come out on the other side,
better than I was before.

Back At It

I have been doing some thinking about why I came back to the blog after a lengthy absence.  Honestly, I have been trying to deal with things that are happening around me, things that I have no control over.  Getting it out through words seems to be a good way to let myself work though what I need to, and my passion to share has been reignited.  I have also been reading other blogs and seeing that I am in some pretty good company.  Sharing thoughts and words is cathartic for me, and open something that I need to express and it seems I can’t in any other way.  I find more passion on the page, more passion in putting into words what is going on in my head, and sometimes in my heart.  It isn’t always easy, or pretty, but it remains necessary, and hopefully I will keep at it.


Great Post!

Sharing this great post I just read!



Came across this and wanted to share this great column about Jane :0)

Why I Blog

An ode to blogging!

I blog to express myself

I blog to share

I blog to get things worked out in my head

I blog to remember

I blog because it’s fun

I blog to get writing experience

I blog because I can


Yogurt, Blogs, and Rain

Today I was spontaneous, yes, moi, and did something spur of the moment!  I went to a blogger meeting with fellow lady bloggers in our area.  It was nice, if not a bit intimidating, since I feel kind of like an amateur.   Meeting at a local do-it-yourself frozen yogurt place was fun, and close by, so good for a Sunday outing when it is rainy season.  Arriving early, of course, only uped my anxiety level as I waited for the others to arrive, hoping I would have something productive to say.  I, of course, spilled some yogurt on myself, and my raincoat, so it went much as I expected; I was utterly graceful and delicate!   This go round I simply wanted to take things in, my usual style for sure, hoping to get a feel for things and the fellow lady bloggers.  It was amazing seeing other women who enjoy blogging, and about so very different topics.  I was inspired once I came home to create a business card to go with my blog design.  It is a great, easy way to share your info on the go, and it is pretty easy to DIY also.  So, I have taken my first lesson from a blog meetup, and just add it to the others shared along the way.  As she reminded me, blogging is about self-expression and meeting other people, where judgement isn’t passed and being true to yourself is all that is expected.  Overall it was a nice, albeit rainy, Sunday in my world, and figured I would share that I feel like I have gained some inspiration and insight as I navigate my life, and my blog.  Not a bad days work, that’s for sure!  And remember, bring your raincoat, it’s July in Florida ;0)


Pen and Sword

My love of books and reading, along with my deep desire to write has made me think about the power of the written word.  The power an author has in their words placed on the page is tremendous to behold.  Authors take the reader in, hopefully if they have great skill, and essentially share their “world” with the reader.  Whether it is fiction or nonfiction, the author is the ultimate creator of what the reader experiences.  The phrase the pen is mightier than the sword comes to mind.  Seeing just how much damage a scathing article can have on someone, or how deeply people come to love characters in a favorite novel or series, makes it apparent how deeply we connect with the written word.  I have a friend and real blogging maven, who I am always amazed by how she can share an experience, making it come alive somehow on the page.  There is something compelling about sharing one’s emotions and thoughts on the page, because somehow in writing it down, the emotions behind it feel stronger or more visceral.  That also allows some sense that those feelings or emotions have been worked through in a more concrete manner.  Giving expression to what rages inside feels necessary somehow, and the pen seems the most expedient way of going about expressing emotions, and working through something nagging at the mind.


Life with Colleen Mary

..and the occasional iced caramel latte.


A great site

Everyday Asperger's

Life through the eyes of a female with Aspergers

Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.

The Wyrd

Fantasy Fiction writer and Amateur hobby artist

World of Woodnuts

Pop cartoons and artwork to inspire and entertain

Fisticuffs and Shenanigans

It was all fun and games, until the fisticuffs and shenanigans... -Deutschmarc

Climb to the Stars

life, love, books

Daphne Bach Greer

Finding Faith, Restoring Life, Igniting Hope

Random things from G

Interesting stuff from around my Life.


This is a novice attempt at expressing all the voices in my head

The Chocoholic Confessions

4 out of 5 dentists recommend this site

Damyanti Biswas

For lovers of reading, crime writing, crime fiction

Unveiling the Veil

About Muslim Women. For Muslim Women. By a Muslim Woman.

Deborah Harkness

life, love, books

Cassandra Clare

life, love, books

Making memories


I Remember You Well

Things were happening... and I remember there was music playing.

Raising Hell

9-5+ working single mom. Occasionally accidentally funny. I've raised my fair share of hell over the years. Now I get to parent my own little hell raiser.

Dreams: Guide to the Soul

Steven G. Fox Ph.D.